Friday 17 June 2016

"Teen Pregnancy over 20 years"

We've been looking at teen pregnancy in the media, but now I want to put it into perspective. Just what effect do TV shows like "Teen Mom" have on teen pregnancy rates. I want you to look at stats of teen pregnancy in Canada and the United States. Find
1) Current data on teen pregnancy in both countries
2) 5 years ago
3) 10 years ago
4) 20 years ago

After you have found this put your information into a blog post titled "Teen Pregnancy over 20 years"

Also please include the answers to the following questions:

1. what do you notice about teen pregnancy rates over the years

in the US . In 2014, a total of 249,078 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, 
bewteen 2010 and 2014 the percent of teenage pregnancy  between 16/19 went of there was at least 27% of teens giving birth 

2. Do you notice anywhere the data changes significantly. If so why do you think that is?

its so easy to talk to people now a days with the media sites and cell phone so many ways to contact someone or really get to know someone over the internet. or maybe the children parents were not strick  enough i know if i was pregnant my family would be very disappointed so would i be theirs so much to the world an it would be abit hard to explore an grow up with a child that u have to raise with out knowing what life is. babys should come into this world to a good environment.
3. What impact do you think TV shows like "Teen Mom" have on current teen pregnancy rates?

maybe good and bad cause what if there is some teenager wanting to get pregnant to play on one of the shows but for me it was like no way im going to end up that young with a child looks hard to be honest their still young some of their parents were hard on them not so much supportive 

Thursday 9 June 2016

Teen Portrayal in the Media"

 Glee, The OC and Gossip Girl. 
Compare and contrast all of the teen shows that we have watched in class in a paragraph. Discuss which show presents the most accurate portrayal of teens and why.

 The shows we watch during class i have to say the oc seams more actuate to me i don't think that a lawer would take in a Clint in real life but stealing cars an being bad breaking laws is kinda like our teens not most but some fit in with that and partying getting into fights playing video games smoking all that fits with most teens  

Who's Telling My Story"

Choose ONE of the following issues that we discusses in class today and write a blog entry expressing your opinion o n the issues in a post titled "Who's Telling My Story"

1. Is it fair to cast White, Christian, abled actors if there aren't enough community actors available? Why might producers use this as an excuse?

 i think they just use that as a excuse cause there is alot of people they can use if they asked but they don't witch inst fair theirs a lot of dabbled people with talent maybe there is people with disables that want to act but cant cause they never get chosen

2. Is there a differences between cripface and practices likes blackface or casting White actors as Asians, Aboriginals, etc. If so, why? If not, why do we accept cripface but not these other practices?

i don't think its fair they should give the chance to the  actual race for the character its abit races not fair for only white people to cast all the characters theirs alot of other races out there with talent too alot of people wanting to reach their dreams but cant cause of what race they are.

3. Actors often play characters who are significantly different than themselves such as aliens, members of the opposite sex, or people from other times or places. What is the difference between this and "face" casting?
Is it more important that writers and producers come from the community being represented?

Wednesday 1 June 2016


1. How does the portrayal of teen pregnancy differ from the movie Juno to shows like Teen Mom?
* Create a T Chart of the similarities and differences in Teen Mom and Juno. It should look like this:

Teen Mom and Juno  

they were all teens sitll in high school
one girl on teen mom put her baby up for adoption.

the parents wenrt as hard on her that they would be in reality 

2. Does one glorify teen pregnancy more than the other?
teen mom makes it more clear .the movie juno made it saem a bit easy junos parents were easy on her she just had her baby than gave the child to another family. its just not that easy

3. Which of the two shows a more accurate portrayal of teens? Why?
teen mom shows more of reality struggles and how it would actually be like with a child while being a teenager an still trying to go to school an get life together for yourself an the child 

4. Have you seen similar characters (Juno, Vanessa, Paulie and Mark) in other films/ soap opera? Is it common to know such people in our real life? Can you guess and explain what the director actually implies?

5.     5. What kind of impact do you  think the movie Juno has on teens and teen pregnancy? Why?
gff        the movie was funny hopefully it had a good impact on other teens not to get pregnant


i say i and my sister an my father are are belongers
and my firend aaliyah an kyle are emulators